Jamie Hinton, CPM, LM
If you had asked me ten years ago if I could see myself as a midwife, I would have laughed! I was working as a 7th grade teacher at that time, and was pregnant with my first baby. With no knowledge about birth or midwifery care, I began seeing an OBGYN and planned to birth in the hospital.
When my husband suggested that we look into using a midwife halfway through that pregnancy, I did laugh, and responded that no, we would not be using a midwife, because I didn’t want to have my baby in a barn or alleyway! Well, imagine my shock when I learned that there were midwives who worked in hospitals, birth centers, and did homebirths - none of which occurred in a barn unless the mother wanted it to be there.
And now? Now, I’m a midwife, and couldn’t imagine doing anything else. What started for me as an interest in providing childbirth education to families grew into becoming a certified doula and attending births to support families as they navigated through their options and births.
Five years of working as a childbirth educator and a doula gave me a solid background for different types of births in different locations, and in recognizing normal and abnormal situations, giving me an in depth understanding of when intervention is necessary and when it isn’t. It also gave me first hand experience in recognizing that the way a woman is cared for and treated during her birth has a tremendous affect on her for the rest of her life - in the way she feels about herself and her baby, and the way she parents. Research shows us this, but walking it out through my own birth experiences and in serving over 500 families throughout their experiences cemented in the importance for me.
I began an academic program and an apprenticeship in 2013, and completed them in 2016.
““...first hand experience in recognizing that the way a woman is cared for and treated during her birth has a tremendous affect on her for the rest of her life - in the way she feels about herself and her baby, and the way she parents.””
I became a Certified Professional Midwife through NARM (North American Registry of Midwives) in April 2016 and a Licensed Midwife through the state of Texas in May 2016. During my apprenticeship I attended 137 births as a student midwife, and since becoming a licensed midwife have attended more than 100 births.